Close Factor when an account is noncompliant, this corresponds to the percentage of the position that can be liquidated.
LTV Threshold an account can be liquidated when their debt is equal or greater than this percentage of their collateral
Maximum LTV an account can only borrow up to this percentage relative to the value of their collateral
Liquidation Penalty the penalty applied to the collateral-to-be-seized when an account gets liquidated
Close Factor when an account is noncompliant, this corresponds to the percentage of the position that can be liquidated.
Maximum LTV an account can only borrow up to this percentage relative to the value of their collateral
LTV Threshold an account can be liquidated when their debt is equal or greater than this percentage of their collateral
Liquidation Penalty the penalty applied to the collateral-to-be-seized when an account gets liquidated

The technology that grows your assets.

See how it works

We tell you how we made Aura autonomous and cutting-edge in three pillars: dynamicity, stability, and savings.

How it works

01. Aura is dynamic

We created the best-in-class Adaptive Controller that:
→     Rewards stability and overcollateralization
→     Penalizes suboptimal collateralization ratio

It serves to minimize the error between the optimal and the current collaterization ratio. And it solves that by taking a dynamic approach to liquidations.

What else is dynamic? The base rate, the close factor, the maximum LTV ratio and its threshold, and even the liquidation penalty. Combined, they align incentives between the lender <> borrower <> liquidator trifecta to ensure the solvency of the system.

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How it works

02. Aura saves

Aura comes with its native Savings Product for its synthetics. Stakers are one of many layers of protection against insolvency. They collect interest generated by the borrowing activity. Their capital can be used to liquidate debt in the system when necessary.

Proceeds obtained this way can be automatically auctioned off at the user's will. They are expected to represent another source of income.

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How it works

03. Aura perpetuates stability

A portion of the accrued interest, yield, and liquidations are retained as a reserve for the ecosystem.

This means:

→     Safety because the assets can be tapped into to act as a last resort backstop in case of losses.

→     A more autonomous system, because the protocol’s reserves are used to drive interest rates down and decrease reliance on third parties.

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How it works

01. Aura is dynamic

We created the best-in-class Adaptive Controller that:
→     Rewards stability and overcollateralization
→     Penalizes suboptimal collateralization ratio

It serves to minimize the error between the optimal and the current collaterization ratio. And it solves that by taking a dynamic approach to liquidations.

What else is dynamic? The base rate, the close factor, the maximum LTV ratio and its threshold, and even the liquidation penalty. Combined, they align incentives between the lender <> borrower <> liquidator trifecta to ensure the solvency of the system.

02. Aura saves

Aura comes with its native Savings Product for its synthetics. Stakers are one of many layers of protection against insolvency. They collect interest generated by the borrowing activity. Their capital can be used to liquidate debt in the system when necessary.

Proceeds obtained this way can be automatically auctioned off at the user's will. They are expected to represent another source of income.

03. Aura perpetuates stability

A portion of the accrued interest, yield, and liquidations are retained as a reserve for the ecosystem.This means:

→     Safety because the assets can be tapped into to act as a last resort backstop in case of losses.

→     A more autonomous system, because the protocol’s reserves are used to drive interest rates down and decrease reliance on third parties.

In short

Aura is a fairer system that brings you lower fees and higher savings.

Adaptive Controller Set Interest Rates

Productive Collateral

PGA-resistant Liquidation Engine

Protocol Controlled Value

Dynamic Risk Parameters

Utility-based Tokenomics